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Player Pool Information

The player pool is an integral part of keeping our teams playing when a team may not have enough players to field a team.  We understand life is busy, there are sickness, injuries and other priorities in life over little league baseball.  However, we offer the player pool for teams to use players who are interested and willing to play in additional games as fill in players.  The player pool allows all game to be played as long as there is a field of 9 players who can play that game for each team.

The player pool is to only be used during Pre-season and Regular season for the Training, Minor and Major divisions. Once a manager is informed by his team that he will be short enough players to field a team of 9, and wishes to avoid a forfeited game, he will contact the TLL Player Pool Administrator (TLL-PPA). The TLL-PPA will then contact the parents who wish their child to participate in the player pool. The TLL-PPA must speak with parents before the player is allowed to participate at the game requested. Players are selected from the Player Pool on a “First In, First Out” fashion.  A team may not use more than 2 player pool players at a time.  If more than 2 players are needed the game will be declared a forfeit.

Following, are the guidelines for the player pool:

  •  A signed authorization form must be on file before a phone call can be made.
  • He/she may only play in the outfield
  • He/she cannot pitch, catch or play infield
  • He/she must bat last in the order

To sign your player up for the player pool, please complete, sign and date the Player Pool Authorization form below.  When completed please send it to your team manager to share with the league.

Player Pool Authorization Form

Torrance Little League

1740 Plaza Del Amo Blvd 
Torrance, California 90501
Phone : 310-734-1956
Email : [email protected]
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