Website Manager


We Need You!!

Torrance Little League is a 100% volunteer organization. You do not need experience to be a manager. You will be guided with all the tools needed to coach your team.

The Torrance Little League Manager Selection process is designed to be objective, fair and ensure the best possible individuals are selected to lead Torrance Little League baseball teams.

Any individual over the age of 18 that possesses the desire and willingness to spend the required time to coach our youth. They need to possess a good positive attitude, and to demonstrate that they are willing to teach our kids in the league the fundamentals of baseball and sportsmanship. You will also be required to fill out a Volunteer Form for background check if you had not done so for the Spring Season. SELECTION PROCESS Candidates for manager nominate themselves by submitting a Torrance Little League Manager Application form. Only those that have submitted a written application will be considered for a Torrance Little League Managerial position. Submission of a Manager Application DOES NOT GUARANTEE placement as Manager. If in the event there are more Manager Applicants than teams in any particular division, the applicants shall participate in a small interview process with the Board of Directors. The Board shall vote on and approve all Manager Applications. Being a Manager in a prior year does not guarantee a Manager position for future years. 

Time Commitment: Torrance Little League expects that Manager applicants understand the time commitment that it takes to manage a team. In addition to games, there are practices and paper work and phone calls and dealing with parents, along with a myriad of other issues that come up along the way. Please make sure that your personal and work schedule will allow you to take on that commitment. Philosophy: As a Torrance Little League Manager, you are entrusted with our league’s youth. As the Manager, you will be placed in the most important and visible leadership position within our league. Players will look to you for direction and encouragement. Parents will be entrusting you with their most precious possession. As the manager, you may be faced with difficult choices. Some may pit the natural desire to win against maintaining an atmosphere that is mutually beneficial to all children. Other times, you may be challenged to demonstrate respect for the judgment and authority of the umpire. It is important you do so in order to instill in your players a respect for authority of adult leaders in the league. Regardless of the challenges you face, you, as the leader, have to always have the long term interest of all children involved in mind. Conduct: Each Manager and Coach is required to abide by the Torrance Little League Code of Conduct. As a part of the application process, each applicant is required to re-affirm his commitment to the Code of Conduct in writing. 

Please fill out a Manager Application here and email it to [email protected]

Torrance Little League

1740 Plaza Del Amo Blvd 
Torrance, California 90501
Phone : 310-734-1956
Email : [email protected]
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